Coach Recruitment Day – Little Sports Coaching
We are recruiting driven, energetic and all round brilliant coaches who have a passion for child development, sports and health related activities.

Annual Charity Football Day
Annual Charity Football Day

Mini Soccer in Knowsley
Children will learn far more than just soccer skills if they take part in the kid's mini soccer sessions in Knowsley run by Little Sports Coaching.

School Sports Coaches in Knowsley
Little Sports Coaching’s experience in supporting schools in Knowsley and across the country ensures that both staff and pupils can benefit from tailor-made, superior coaching and some of the best…

Mini Soccer Holiday Camps in Knowsley
If you're looking for a great way to entertain the kids during school holidays, then check out the fantastic range of children's school holiday football camps in Knowsley with Little…

Play at Old Trafford – Summer 2015!
Little Sports Coaching are offering a fantastic opportunity for any young player to play in the shadow of Old Trafford on the rooftop pitch at Hotel Football!

Courses throughout the week!
Ryan Kessebeh co-ordinates the mid-week and weekend courses for Tots FC, Mini Soccer and Rhythmix which are organised in a variety of venues across Manchester, Stockport and Cheshire on a weekly…

Another chance to play at Old Trafford!
Little Sports Coaching is hosting it's very popular Tots FC programme, on the rooftop pitch at Hotel Football!

A day in the life of…
Naomie Pitts is the Little Sports Coaching Holiday Course co-ordinator and no two weeks are the same for her in the role.