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10 km National
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1 year(s) 18 year(s)
07:00 am 10:00 pm
Thorn Grove Primary School
Venue: Thorn Grove Primary School
Age: Reception - Year 6
Day: Thursday 01/01
Time: 08:00am - 18:00pm
Activity: Multi Activity
Location: Cheadle
Postcode: SK8 7LD
Staff: View Team
Beth McGowne
Join us during the school holidays for our action-packed Multi-Activity Holiday Club. Each day, your children will take part in each of our activity programmes: Active, Cognitive, Creative and Sportive.
Each day is filled with exciting activities to keep your children engaged, active and inspired with our Active, Cognitive, Creative and Sportive programmes.
Active: Engaging, fun, action-packed physical activities, games and challenges. Cognitive: Explore and grow thinking skills with stimulating, problem-solving activities. Creative: Delve into an exciting range of imaginative and creative arts & crafts. Sportive: Participate in a range of sports to develop technique, teamwork and sportsmanship.
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Time: 09:30am - 15:30pm
Join us during the school holidays for our action-packed Multi-Activity Holiday Club. Children will take part in our Active, Cognitive, Creative and Sportive programmes each day.
Showing 1-12 out of 2
Activity: Standard Day
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Activity: Short Day