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10 km National
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1 year(s) 18 year(s)
07:00 am 10:00 pm
Rolls Crescent Primary School
Venue: Rolls Crescent Primary School
Age: Reception - Year 6
Day: Thursday 01/01
Time: 09:30am - 15:30pm
Activity: Dance
Location: Manchester
Postcode: M15 5FT
Coach: View all coaches
Cole Carrington
Blossom Higham
Our Dance Holiday Courses specialises in exciting, fun and interactive sessions. All sessions provide children with the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of skills such as rhythm development, co-ordination, balance, flexibility, strength, agility, posture and improved fitness. All abilities welcome, nurtured by a team of fully-qualified, professional coaches. can improve your child’s fitness levels whilst helping them develop strength and agility, co-ordination and balance as well as posture, flexibility and masses of self-confidence.
What to bring? – Great big smiles – A healthy packed lunch, snacks and drinks for the whole day – It’s a good idea to pack waterproofs, a change of clothes, sun hat and cream – Comfortable clothing and suitable footwear
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